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Coreldraw 11 pdf free. Free tutorials corel draw tutorial full free download - PDF

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Coreldraw 11 pdf free


Yes, you can probably do it eventually with rather a lot of effort, but going back to the program that created it would usually be more practical. This will give the Corrupt File message. Can you save the PDF back to an early version and then try to open that? You are going to have to upgrade to a later version of Corel Draw.

That was last week. Thanks everyone for your input. The original file was done in Quark and is available in InDesign. I having the that file sent to me. I have just finished downloading X4 trial and will likely purchase the upgrade. We know that these useful tutorials are updated and upgraded all the time, so we are adding new courses and tutorials as soon as possible. With this corel draw tutorial full free download tutorial you will master this important program and increase your chances for getting the job position that you have always wanted!

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Whether you. Log in Registration. Search for. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Get Into Pc. November 12, Specify the direction of the roughening spikes Choose Fixed direction from the Spike direction list box.

Type a value between 0 and in the Enter a fixed value for bearing settings box on the property bar. Change the direction of the roughening spikes when using a graphics stylus Choose Stylus setting from the Spike direction list box on the property bar.

Create roughening spikes perpendicular to the path or outline Choose Auto from the Spike direction list box on the property bar. Objects with distortions, envelopes, and perspective applied to them are converted to curve objects before the roughening effect is applied. Applying distortion effects You can apply three types of distortion effects to shape objects. Shaping objects Distortion effect Description Push and pull Lets you push the edges of an object in or pull the edges of an object out Zipper Lets you apply a saw tooth effect to the edges of the object.

You can adjust the amplitude and frequency of the effect. Twister Lets you rotate an object to create a swirl effect. You can choose the direction of the swirl, as well as the origin, degree, and amount of rotation. Original drawing before any of the four distortion effects are applied to it CorelDRAW: Chapter 6 Clockwise from top left: Push distortion, Zipper distortion, Pull distortion, and Twister distortion After you distort an object, you can change the effect by altering the center of distortion.

This point is identified by a diamond-shaped handle, around which a distortion appears. It is similar to a mathematical compass, where the pencil moves around a stationary point.

You can place the center of distortion anywhere in the drawing window, or choose to center it in the middle of an object so that the distortion is distributed evenly and the shape of the object changes in relation to its center. You can create an even more dramatic effect by applying a new distortion to an already distorted object.

To distort an object 1 Open the Interactive tool flyout, and click the Interactive distortion tool. You can also Change the center of distortion Drag the diamond-shaped position handle to a new location. Adjust the number of points on a zipper distortion Move the slider on the center of the distortion handle.

Apply more than one distortion to an object Click another distortion type on the property bar, click an object, and drag. You can reapply the effects to distorted objects. You can center a distortion by clicking the Center distortion button on the property bar. To remove a distortion 1 Select a distorted object. You can also remove a distortion from a selected object by clicking the Clear distortion button on the property bar. To copy a distortion 1 Select the object to which you want to copy a distortion.

Envelopes are made of multiple nodes that you can move to shape the envelope and, as a result, change the shape of the object. You can apply a basic envelope that conforms to the shape of an object, or you can also apply a preset envelope. CorelDRAW also lets you copy and remove envelopes. You can edit an envelope by adding and positioning its nodes. Adding nodes gives you more control over the shape of the object contained in the envelope. CorelDRAW also lets you delete nodes, move multiple nodes simultaneously, change nodes from one type to another, and change a segment of an envelope to a line or curve.

You can also change the mapping mode of an envelope to specify how the object fits to the envelope. For example, you can stretch an object to fit the basic dimensions of the envelope, and then apply the horizontal mapping mode to compress it horizontally so that it fits the shape of the envelope.

To apply an envelope 1 Select an object. If you want to reset the envelope, press Esc before releasing the mouse. Shaping objects You can also Apply a preset envelope Click the Add preset button on the property bar and click an envelope shape.

Apply an envelope to an object with an envelope Click the Add new envelope button on the property bar, and drag the nodes to change the shape of the envelope. To copy an envelope 1 Select an object to which you want to copy an envelope. You can also copy an envelope by selecting an object, clicking the Copy envelope properties button on the property bar, and selecting an object with the envelope you want to copy.

You can also Move several envelope nodes at once Click the Envelope unconstrained mode button on the property bar, marquee select the nodes you want to move, and drag any node to a new position. Move opposing nodes an equal distance in the same direction Press Shift, select two opposing nodes, and drag them to a new position. Change an envelope node type Click the Envelope unconstrained mode button on the property bar so that it appears pressed, and click either the Make node a cusp , the Make node smooth , or the Make node symmetrical button.

Change an envelope segment to a straight line or curve Click the Envelope unconstrained mode button on the property bar so that it appears pressed, click a line segment, and click the Convert curve to line button or the Convert line to curve button.

Splitting and erasing portions of objects You can split a bitmap or vector object in two and reshape it by redrawing its path. You can split a closed object along a straight or jagged line. CorelDRAW lets you choose between splitting an object into two objects, or leaving it as one object composed of two or more subpaths.

You can specify whether you want to close paths automatically or keep them open. CorelDRAW lets you erase unwanted portions of bitmaps and vector objects. Erasing automatically closes any affected paths and converts the object to curves. Shaping objects The Knife tool creates two separate objects by cutting the ellipse in half left.

The two objects are separated and used to form the top of the screw right. To split an object 1 Open the Shape edit flyout, and click the Knife tool. The Knife tool snaps upright when positioned properly. You can also Split an object along a freehand line Point to where you want to start the cut, and drag to where you want it to end. Split an object into two subpaths Click the Leave as one object button on the property bar. When you use the Knife tool on a selected object, the object becomes a curve object.

Click the Break curve button on the property bar. Extract a broken path from an object Open the Shape edit flyout, and click the Shape tool. Select a segment, node, or group of nodes that represents the portion of the path you want to extract, and click the Extract subpath button on the property bar.

To erase portions of an object 1 Select an object. You can also Change the size of the eraser nib Type a value in the Eraser thickness box on the property bar, and press Enter. Maintain all the nodes of the area being erased Disable the Auto-reduce on erase button on the property bar. Shaping objects When you erase portions of objects, any affected paths are automatically closed.

You can erase in straight lines by clicking where you want to start erasing, and then clicking where you want to finish erasing. You can also erase an area of a selected object by double-clicking the area with the Eraser tool.

Trimming objects Trimming creates irregularly shaped objects by removing object areas that overlap. You can trim almost any object, including clones, objects on different layers, and single objects with intersecting lines. However, you cannot trim paragraph text, dimension lines, or masters of clones. Before you trim objects, you must decide which object you want to trim the target object and which object you want to use to perform the trimming the source object.

For example, if you want to create a star-shaped cut out of a square object, the star is the source object because you are using it to trim the square. The source object trims the part of the target object it overlaps. The target object retains its fill and outline attributes. For example, if you trim a rectangle that is overlapped by a circle, the area of the rectangle that was covered by the circle is removed, creating an irregular shape.

CorelDRAW lets you trim objects in different ways. You can use a front object as the source object to trim an object behind it, as well as use the back object to trim a front object. You can also remove hidden areas of overlapping objects, so that only thevisible areas remain in the drawing. Removing the hidden areas can reduce file size when you convert vector graphics to bitmaps.

Instead of adding eyes and spots to the bug, areas shown on the left in gray are trimmed to reveal the black background right. A partial silhouette of the letter is created in the logo right. To trim an object 1 Select the source objects. If you select multiple objects individually, the last object selected is trimmed. You can also trim objects by marquee selecting the source and target objects and clicking the Trim button on the property bar.

To trim front and back objects 1 Marquee select the source and target objects. Linked objects such as drop shadows, text on a path, artistic media, blends, contours, and extrusions are converted to curve objects before they are trimmed.

To trim overlapping areas among objects 1 Marquee select the objects you want to trim. You can trim the control object of a PowerClip object, so that the object inside the PowerClip object assumes the new shape. Welding and intersecting objects You can create irregular shapes by welding and intersecting objects.

You can weld or intersect almost any object, including clones, objects on different layers, and single objects with intersecting lines. However, you cannot weld or intersect paragraph text, dimension lines, or masters of clones. All intersecting lines disappear. You can weld objects regardless of whether they overlap each other.

If you weld objects that do not overlap, they form a weld group that acts as a single object. In both cases, the welded object takes on the fill and outline attributes of the target object. You can weld single objects with intersecting lines so that the object breaks into several subpaths, but its appearance remains the same. Welding the leaves to the apple creates a single object outline. Intersecting creates an object from the area where two or more objects overlap. The shape of this new object can be simple or complex, depending on the shapes you intersect.

To weld an object 1 Select the source object or objects. You can also weld objects by marquee-selecting the source and target objects and clicking the Weld button on the property bar. Shaping objects To intersect objects 1 Select the source object. You can also intersect objects by selecting the source and target objects and clicking the Intersect button on the property bar. To intersect multiple objects 1 Marquee select the source object or objects.

You can also intersect objects by marquee-selecting the source and target objects and clicking the Intersect button on the property bar. Blending objects CorelDRAW lets you create blends, such as straight-line blends, blends along a path, and compound blends.

A straight-line blend shows a progression in shape and size from one object to another. The outline and fill colors of the intermediate objects progress along a straight-line path across the color spectrum. The outlines of intermediate objects show a gradual progression in thickness and shape. After you create a blend, you can copy or clone its settings to other objects. When you copy a blend, the object takes on all the blend-related settings, except for their outline and fill attributes.

When you clone a blend, changes you make to the original blend also called the master are applied to the clone. The rollover button left contains a blend of tightly overlapped blended objects. The straight-line blend top is fitted to a curved path bottom. You can fuse the components of a split or compound blend to create a single object. This compound blend consists of three blends.

You can also split and remove a blend. By mapping nodes, you can control the appearance of a blend. Four nodes on the arrow are mapped to the four corners of a square, showing a more gradual transition bottom. Select the first object, and drag over the second object. If you want to reset the blend, press Esc as you drag.

Blend an object along a freehand path Open the Interactive tools flyout, and click the Interactive blend tool. Select the first object. Fit a blend to a path Open the Interactive tools flyout, and click the Interactive blend tool. Click the blend. Click the Path properties button on the property bar.

Click New path. Using the curved arrow, click the path to which you want to fit the blend. Stretch the blend over an entire path Select a blend that is already fitted on a path. Click the Miscellaneous blend options button on the property bar, and enable the Blend along full path check box. Create a compound blend Using the Interactive blend tool, drag from an object to the start or end object of another blend.

To copy or clone a blend 1 Select the two objects you want to blend. To set the distance for intermediate objects in a blend fitted to a path 1 Select a blend. You can set object and color acceleration rates by clicking the Object and color acceleration button on the property bar and moving the corresponding slider.

To set the color progression for intermediate objects in a blend 1 Select a blend. To map the nodes of a blend 1 2 3 4 Select a blend.

Click the Miscellaneous blend options button on the property bar. Click the Map nodes button on the property bar. Click a node on the start object and on the end object. Change the start or end object of a blend Select a blend, click the Start and end object properties button on the property bar, and click New start, or New end. Click an object outside the blend that you want to use as the start or end of the blend. Fuse the start or end object in a split or compound blend Press Ctrl Windows or Command Mac OS and click a start, middle, or end object in a blend.

Click the Miscellaneous options button on the property bar. If you have selected the start object, click the Fuse start button. If you have selected the end object, click the Fuse end button. To change the blend path 1 Select a blend. You can also Detach a blend from a path Click the Path properties button on the property bar, and click Detach from path. To select the blend path, click the Path properties button and click Show path. Shaping objects To split a blend 1 2 3 4 Select a blend.

Click the Split button. Click the intermediate object at the point at where you want to split the blend. To remove a blend 1 Select a blend. You can also remove a selected blend by clicking the Clear blend button on the property bar. A container can be any object, for example artistic text or a rectangle. When you place an object into a container that is larger than the container, the object, called the content, is cropped to fit the form of the container.

This creates a PowerClip object. You can also copy the contents of one PowerClip object to another PowerClip object. In the PowerClip object, the artistic text is the container, and the bitmap forms the contents. The bitmap is shaped to the letters of the artistic text. After you create a PowerClip object you can modify the content and the container.

For example, you can lock the content, so that when you move the container, the content moves with it. CorelDRAW also lets you extract the content from a PowerClip object, so that you can delete the content or modify it without affecting the container.

To create a PowerClip object 1 Select an object. If you want to create a nested PowerClip object, drag the PowerClip object inside a container. To copy the content of a PowerClip object 1 Select an object. Edit the contents of the PowerClip object. While you edit, the container displays in Wireframe mode and cannot be selected.

If you move the container while the content is unlocked, the content remains stationary and is not visible until you move the container over it. Symbols are defined once and can be referenced many times in a drawing. Each time you insert a symbol into a drawing, you create an instance of the symbol.

Using symbols for objects that appear many times in a drawing helps to reduce file size. Creating, editing, and deleting symbols Symbols are objects that are defined once and can be referenced many times in a drawing.

You can have multiple instances of a symbol in a drawing with little impact on file size. Symbols make editing a drawing quicker and easier, as changes made to a symbol are automatically inherited by all instances. Symbols are created from objects. When you convert an object to a symbol, the new symbol is added to the library, and the selected object becomes an instance. You can Working with symbols also create a symbol from multiple objects. You can edit a symbol; any changes you make affect all instances in a drawing.

You can also delete a symbol from the library. Using symbols for objects that appear many times helps to reduce file size. To convert an object to a symbol 1 Select an object or multiple objects. Symbols cannot span layers. Changes made to a symbol are automatically made to all instances in the active drawing. While working in symbol edit mode, you cannot add layers or save a drawing.

You can also edit a symbol by selecting an instance in the drawing window, and clicking the Edit symbol button on the property bar. While editing a symbol, you can insert an instance of another symbol, which creates a nested symbol. You cannot, however, insert an instance of the same symbol. When you delete a symbol, it is removed from the library, and all instances of the symbol are removed from the drawing.

Using symbols in drawings You can insert a symbol into a drawing, which creates a symbol instance. You can modify certain properties of a symbol instance, such as size and position, without affecting the symbol definition stored in the library.

You can revert a symbol instance to an object or objects while preserving its properties. You can also delete a symbol instance. To modify a symbol instance 1 Select a symbol instance. If a symbol contains multiple objects, all objects in the symbol instance are treated as if they were a group. You cannot modify individual objects in a symbol instance. Not all properties of a symbol instance can be modified.

When a symbol instance is selected, you can modify many object properties on the property bar. To revert a symbol instance to an object or objects 1 Select a symbol instance. The symbol remains in the library. To delete a symbol instance 1 Select a symbol instance. You can share symbols between drawings by copying and pasting.

Copying symbols to the Clipboard leaves the originals in the library. You can also copy and paste instances of a symbol to and from the Clipboard.


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